Crypto for Activism (Osaka, Japan)
11:00 AM11:00

Crypto for Activism (Osaka, Japan)

Devcon is the Ethereum conference for developers, researchers, thinkers, and makers

Devcon is an annual gathering held by the Ethereum Foundation. For new explorers of the Ethereum space, Devcon is an intensive introduction to new worlds of thought. For those already embedded it is a family reunion, and a source of energy and creativity.

Programming covers content ranging from the deeply technical to the profoundly human. This is a conference for builders of all kinds: developers, designers, researchers, client implementers, test engineers, infrastructure operators, community organizers, social economists and artists.

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Summer Hoot (USA)
to Aug 25

Summer Hoot (USA)

Micah to give a talk on the future of activism at this 3-day music festival. The Summer Hoot is your source for family fun in nature, local food and crafts, and lyric-laden, foot-stomping, soul-soothing, fiddle-infused live music where the Catskills meet the Hudson River Valley.

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Paris, France: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Forum 2019: World in EMotion
to May 21

Paris, France: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Forum 2019: World in EMotion

This year’s Forum will reflect on the fact that we are experiencing a great deal of social, economic and political change, upheaval and disruption, largely amplified by the dual forces of digitalisation and globalisation. People are still hurting from the worst economic, financial and social crisis of our lifetimes, and see no end to job uncertainty, high debt, weak pay packets, and widening inequalities. Anxiety about their situation is spilling over into politics, driving people apart rather than bringing us closer together. The Forum will explore ways to transform these increasing expressions of uncertainty and anger into collective commitment for positive action.

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OLA Super Conference: Powered by the People
4:00 PM16:00

OLA Super Conference: Powered by the People

  • Metro Toronto Convention Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Ontario Library Association is Canada’s largest library organization and OLA’s Super Conference is Canada’s largest continuing education event in librarianship.

Super Conference plays host to some of the country’s and the world’s leading speakers, both from inside the library world and outside.

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Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School - Mysticism and Revolutionary Change
6:00 PM18:00

Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School - Mysticism and Revolutionary Change

  • Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The African American Legacy Lecture honors the life and legacy of Howard Thurman, Mordecai Wyatt Johnson, and Martin Luther King Jr. in the late 1960’s recognizing their contributions to the Black Church tradition and liberation theology, to society and the world.  The African American Legacy Lectures honors African American people who have shaped and honed who we are as an Institution.

An Institution that is the first in the country to have a Black Church Studies Program.

An Institution that educated Leaders who were are pastoral, prophetic and learned.

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Bard College - How to Change the World: Theories and Practices
to Oct 9

Bard College - How to Change the World: Theories and Practices

Whether we are campaigning on civil rights, environmental justice, refugee rights, or LGBTQIA and women’s rights, the first prerequisite to success is a theory of social change that guides the methods we employ as activists. The range of potential protest tactics is so plentiful—from direct action in the streets to silent prayerful vigils and self-organized worker cooperatives to electoral ballot initiatives—that every activist, whether consciously or not, relies on a theory of change to decide their actions. If the theory of change underlying our activism is false, then our protests are bound to fail. At the same time, social change is a constant and complex phenomenon, involving factors both within and beyond human control. Often, an unexamined set of assumptions govern—and limit—our attempts to make change. This minicourse intends to refresh and expand our thinking about activism by studying four different theories of change: voluntarism, structuralism, subjectivism, and theurgism. We will track these theories through case studies from the ancient Greek as well as the modern world, considering how each practice of protest, civil disobedience, or resistance understands the interplay between individual and world, natural and supernatural.  

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Vienna - Börsianer Messe 18
11:00 AM11:00

Vienna - Börsianer Messe 18

Megatrends sind Kräfte des Wandels, die unsere Welt neu gestalten. Die vielfältigen Veränderungen werden die Finanz- und Realwirtschaft umwälzen. Daher ist es sinnvoll Zukunftsthemen zu analysieren und zu verstehen. Das hochkarätige Programm der “Börsianer Messe 18” umfasst 250 Aussteller, Speaker, Kongresse, Diskussionen und Seminare. Die besten Köpfe widmen sich den heißesten Entwicklungen, damit Sie auch in Zukunft erfolgreich wirtschaften und veranlagen können.

Leitmesse und Kongress für Wirtschaft und Finanzen – das ist der Anspruch der ­„Börsianer Messe 18“.  Hier werden Ideen entwickelt, Megatrends diskutiert und Geschäfte gemacht.

Die Wiener Hofburg wird dafür im September zum wichtigsten Treffpunkt der Finanzindustrie und der Realwirtschaft.

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Yale University - Grand Strategy
5:30 PM17:30

Yale University - Grand Strategy

The Brady-Johnson Program in Grand Strategy addresses large-scale, long-term strategic challenges of statecraft, politics, and social change. The program focuses on the study of history, classics, and political thought as essential tools for understanding the contemporary world.

Grand Strategy explores how to achieve large ends with limited means, whether in military conflict, foreign policy, domestic politics, or social movements. The program engages security questions from a wide range of perspectives, including national security, global security, and social security. The program emphasizes interaction between academics and practitioners, and between participants of differing political views. Grand Strategy aims to develop students’ capacities not only to analyze the past and present, but to act as responsible, thoughtful leaders and citizens of the future.

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Acapulco, Mexico - International Forum: Youth towards 2030
9:00 AM09:00

Acapulco, Mexico - International Forum: Youth towards 2030

During the 70th United Nations General Assembly, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was approved; it is an action plan on behalf of people, the planet and prosperity, which sets 17 Goals with 169 targets that encompass economic, social and environmental spheres. In its adoption, the Heads of State committed to engage youth as key agents of change towards the creation of a better world under the premise “no one is left behind.”

This Forum is aimed at positioning young people as a diverse community and thus the 2030 Agenda traverses their interests in different ways; their problems, forms of participation, specific needs at a level of national and local policies, etc. Hence, by innovating the Agenda’s visualization, we compel ourselves to be more inclusive in our participatory mechanisms and public policies, addressing youth as well.

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Activist Graduate School Symposium - Why Do Protests Fail?
6:00 PM18:00

Activist Graduate School Symposium - Why Do Protests Fail?

Don't miss this revolutionary discussion with Dr. Lenora FulaniAlicia GarzaSouta Calling Last and Micah White on the pressing question:Why Do Protests Fail? 

Drawing on their pivotal experiences running for president as a third-party candidate, sparking Black Lives Matter, asserting indigenous rights, and co-founding Occupy Wall Street, these thoughtful activists will confront head-on the reasons that protests fail. Is it a lack of demands? Police repression? Absence of leadership? Or something deeper?

Understanding why protests fail is the only way to equip tomorrow's activists to create positive social change.




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World Affairs Conference (Toronto, Canada)
8:00 AM08:00

World Affairs Conference (Toronto, Canada)

The World Affairs Conference (WAC) is Canada's oldest annual student-run current affairs conference. Annually held at Upper Canada College in Toronto, Canada, the World Affairs Conference connects over 1000 students, with a common interest in current affairs, from across North America.

This year, WAC 2018's theme is Paradigm Shifts: how have the axioms of society changed, and how will they change in the future? Some of our programs will include discussions on new innovative technologies, the ever-changing political landscape, and shifts in social policy and movements.

Learn more at:

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 1st Change Finance Forum (Brussels, Belgium)
to Dec 5

1st Change Finance Forum (Brussels, Belgium)

Ten years after the financial crisis, Finance Watch wants to revive a powerful call for structural financial reform by bringing together civil society, academia, experts, sustainable finance/economy practitioners, foundations, and engaged citizens to share emerging ideas, concrete solutions and ongoing initiatives to push for financial reform globally. 

Learn more and register at:


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The Power and Intimacy of Community Organizing: A Forum with Lenora Fulani
7:00 PM19:00

The Power and Intimacy of Community Organizing: A Forum with Lenora Fulani

  • NYU School of Law, Furman Hall (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Dr. Lenora Fulani has been building community for almost forty years, bringing development far and wide to people of color, to the electoral arena, to the poor and the privileged. Changing the world alongside others, not knowing where it will lead or "end up," is challenging on many levels: politically, conceptually, emotionally. 

Come dialogue with Dr. Fulani and some of her most recent partners, the Fulani Fellows, a group of emerging scholars and activists who are engaged in a four-month program with her. Come learn from and explore the intimacy of co-creating community.


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Princeton University: Making Protest Work
12:00 PM12:00

Princeton University: Making Protest Work

Protest is vital form of collective work. Most, if not all, of the democratic rights that we enjoy—including democracy itself—are arguably the result of social protest. And yet it seems increasingly clear that contemporary protest is not working. So why is protest broken? And how can we make protest work?

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Middlebury College
7:00 PM19:00

Middlebury College

  • Middlebury College - Warner Hemisphere (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Why is activism in a crisis? How does it need to be strategically different? How has protest culture evolved? How do we move beyond spectacle? How can activism operate on a local level? What is the role of activism in higher education? What does it mean to be a professional activist? How do we avoid activist elitism and fights over being “woke” or “not woke?” How can we use activism to bridge the rural and urban divide?

Come join the co-creator of Occupy Wall Street for a conversation on the future of activism. Monday, November 6th. Warner Hemisphere. 7pm.

*NOTE: Warner Hemisphere can be inaccessible and difficult to locate. Included below is a map highlighting the location of the event. Direction will be chalked on sidewalks on the day of the event. Seating is limited, please ensure you arrive early! :)

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Crises of Democracy: Thinking in Dark Times
12:00 PM12:00

Crises of Democracy: Thinking in Dark Times

Micah White in conversation with Zephyr Teachout and Uday Mehta.

The crisis facing democratic regimes today is cause for serious concern; it is also an opportunity for deep reflection on questions and assumptions concerning liberal representative democracy. Instead of assuming a defensive posture and taking up arms to defend the status quo, our conference asks: How can we take advantage of this crisis to make democracy stronger?

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Technology and Social Change: Telluride Association Summer Program
to Aug 5

Technology and Social Change: Telluride Association Summer Program

  • University of Michigan—Ann Arbor (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our time is typically considered an era of unprecedented technological change. New tools are transforming human work, values, and relationships. At the same time, human actors are consciously using the Internet and social media to pursue diverse cultural and political agendas. The rate of technological change today may be new, but technology has defined every historical age—and humans have always sought to harness its power. In this course, we explore the interdependent relationship between technology and social change from a variety of angles. We will ask: how do the tools we use change who we are?

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Activism at a Crossroads: Third Annual Bay Area Book Festival
11:45 AM11:45

Activism at a Crossroads: Third Annual Bay Area Book Festival

Activism is undergoing a re-evaluation. Is protest still effective? What can work today? Micah White (co-creator of Occupy Wall Street and author of ‘The End of Protest: A New Playbook for Revolution’), named by Esquire as one of the most influential young thinkers alive today, and Becky Bond (former senior advisor to Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign and co-author of ‘Rules for Revolutionaries: How Big Organizing Can Change Everything’) will offer guidance and action for a new era of social change and activism. If you’ve ever thought of joining a march or demonstration, White and Bond will make you smarter about it. Mother Jones’ Monika Bauerlein moderates.

Alta Stage at Freight & Salvage

Book signing information: Freight & Salvage Lobby

Sponsored by : Mother Jones Magazine

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Power of the People: How to Mobilize a Movement
5:15 PM17:15

Power of the People: How to Mobilize a Movement

  • University of Chicago, International House (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In this discussion at the University of Chicago's Institute of Politics, Micah White will explore best practices on how to organize a movement, if protests are the most effective way to enact change, and how electoral politics factor in a successful organization. The discussion will lead to one central question-What is the future of activism?

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Q 2017 (Nashville, Tennessee)
to Apr 28

Q 2017 (Nashville, Tennessee)

A place for church and industry leaders to thoughtfully navigate today’s culture

From the ideas and current issues shaping society, to the truth that transforms the world, you will be informed and gain confidence that God is at work in his mission to renew all things. Education by thought leaders and stories from change-makers will inspire a hopeful way forward. Join us to be equipped for the difficult conversations and extraordinary opportunities that lay ahead.

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Why do protests fail?
7:00 PM19:00

Why do protests fail?

  • Swarthmore College (Science Center 101 - Chang Hou Hall) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Protest is undeniably cool again. And yet, if we evaluate recent protests by their outcome, not their rhetoric, it is increasingly clear that contemporary forms of activism are resulting in diminishing effectiveness. Despite their size, their sophistication and their speed, the last decade of social protests have largely failed to achieve their desired social change objectives. If protest as we know it is broken, how do we fix it?

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Will Democracy Win? (Aarhus, Denmark)
1:00 PM13:00

Will Democracy Win? (Aarhus, Denmark)

WE INQUIRE: Are we still convinced that democracy as we know it, will spread to the entire earth? Is the new technology most useful for those who want to remain in power or for those who want to challenge it? Will our definition (and our belief in) democracy change in the coming decades? 

BACKGROUND: Over the past few years are the democratic rights victory once been slowed in countries worldwide. Also places where a moment ago thought that dictatorship and autocracy was relegated to the history books. And in both the US and Europe have new parties / politicians suddenly stood up with a force that testifies to 'the people' have very strong - and conflicting - views. It may look as though we often live in completely different worlds than those we disagree with. 

WHAT WE WANT TO KNOW: How will democracy meet its challenges - and its challengers? 

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Culture and Political Subjectivities Conference
10:00 AM10:00

Culture and Political Subjectivities Conference

“Culture and Political Subjectivities” is a two and a half day workshop on anthropological approaches to political subjectivities.  “Political subjectivities” are thoughts, feelings, motivations, identities, and memories, not just about electoral politics, but more broadly regarding public policy and disputes over the social distribution of power, status, and economic rewards. 

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IDEAS CITY Festival: Hope and Unrest in the Invisible City
11:00 AM11:00

IDEAS CITY Festival: Hope and Unrest in the Invisible City

This panel will analyze the social and political crises triggered by new technologies, the shifts in the balance of power within society they are bringing about, and the role of art in defining a new paradigm of social justice. The age of network culture offers new, powerful tools for individual and collective expression, and in response, the act of protest is rapidly evolving; individuals, groups, and entire communities once conveniently invisible to decision-makers are self-organizing to make their voices heard. 

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GUME: Launch Event in Brazil
10:00 AM10:00

GUME: Launch Event in Brazil

Micah White goes to Brazil to celebrate the launch of GUME, Regina Augusto’s new reputation and engagement agency. Former editor of Adbusters magazine, White will discuss the future of protest and social movements and in what way the current global socio-economic context influences how people, institutions and brands build their reputation. GUME is the new venture of journalist Regina Augusto, one of Brazil's most renowned specialists in the national and global fields of communication, marketing and media. 

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Micah White will lecture on "The Beginning of Protest" at Antioch College in Yellow Springs, Ohio
7:00 PM19:00

Micah White will lecture on "The Beginning of Protest" at Antioch College in Yellow Springs, Ohio

  • Antioch College (McGregor 113) Yellow Springs, Ohio USA (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The dominant theory of revolutionary change is too heavily influenced by materialist analysis. Social change materialism cannot fully account for postmodern spiritual insurrections like May 1968 and ultramodern uprisings like Occupy Wall Street. Nor can it explain pre-modern paradigm shifts like the epiphany of St. Paul and the conversion of Constantine that ushered in the Christianization of Western Civilization. Ultimately Micah White calls for another approach to social activism: an inquiry into the power of metanoia (epiphany).

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