A Lifetime of Activism: Social Impact Pioneer
Micah White is a lifelong social activist known for co-creating Occupy Wall Street, popularizing the critique of clicktivism and conceiving the debt-forgiveness activism tactic used by the Rolling Jubilee/RIP Medical Debt. He was an editor of Adbusters magazine. In recognition of his contributions to the practice and theory of social movement creation, Esquire named him one of the most influential young thinkers alive today.
He is a sought after global speaker on the future of activism and has delivered numerous lectures at prestigious universities—including Princeton, Swarthmore, Middlebury and the University of Chicago—along with cultural festivals and private events in Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Italy, Indonesia and the United States. Micah is the National Endowment for the Humanities/Hannah Arendt Center Distinguished Visiting Fellow at Bard College.
Micah's first book, The End of Protest: A New Playbook for Revolution, was published in 2016 by Knopf Canada and the German edition, Die Zukunft der Rebellion, will be released in 2018 by Blumenbar.
Micah White was recently awarded the Voqal Fellowship and the inaugural Roddenberry Fellowship to support his work to create the Activist Graduate School, an online educational institution for experienced social activists. The Activist Graduate School will begin accepting students in late-2018.
Micah's essays and interviews on the future of protest have appeared internationally in periodicals including The Guardian, Folha de São Paulo and The Washington Post. He has been a featured guest on major network television shows such the BBC's Newsnight and CBC's The National.
The End of Protest: A New Playbook for Revolution is being translated into German and Greek.
University Lectures: Why do protests fail?
In this lecture at the University of Chicago's Institute of Politics, Micah speaks about best practices on how to organize a movement, if protests are the most effective way to enact change, and how electoral politics factor in a successful organization. The discussion led to one central question—What is the future of activism?
International Festivals: Will democracy win?
In Denmark, Micah was asked: Do we remain convinced that democracy—as we know it—will spread around the globe? He had just seven minutes to answer the question with a debate in Danish and English to follow. Watch as Micah defends the virtues of democracy and presents a nuanced critique of contemporary sovereignty.
Activist Consultancy: What do we do now?
How will the changing nature of protest impact the work of international advocacy groups? Amnesty International in London invited Micah to speak to their team about the future of global social action. Want to work with Micah? Get in touch
Global Thinker: Die Zukunft der Rebellion
The German translation of The End of Protest will be published in May 2018!
Es ist Zeit für die ultimative Revolution: Micah White, Mitbegründer von Occupy Wall Street, schreibt schonungslos selbstkritisch über seine Zeit in der aktiven Protestszene und zieht zugleich eine Bilanz der internationalen Protestgeschichte. Dabei stellt er glasklar fest: Wir brauchen eine neue Form der Rebellion. Denn die Erfahrung hat gezeigt, dass der Protest allein Regierungen weder zum Zuhören noch zum Handeln zwingen kann. Eine oppositionelle Bewegung ist erst dann erfolgreich, wenn das kollektive Wirken auch Neues schafft. Wie das funktionieren kann, beschreibt Micah White überraschend einfach und liefert konkrete Strategien und Taktiken für eine erfolgreiche, weltweite Revolution. Er ist die moralische Stimme der gegenwärtigen Protestgeneration. Und dieses Buch sein leidenschaftlicher Appell an alle Aktivisten der Zukunft.