The 2020s will be the most important decade of activism in human history.

By the end of 2029, humanity’s destiny will be decided. Activists and social movements will play a key role in the outcome of events.

Here’s six ways we'll be doing activism differently in the 2020s:


Ecology: the final mobilization

The 2020s will be defined by the collective race to drastically reduce global carbon emissions by 7.6% a year, for ten years, to avoid climate chaos. This practically impossible task will require a suspension of the status quo in order to facilitate tremendous collective actions, such as planting one trillion trees.

There will be widespread acceptance that only an alliance between social movements and elites is capable of mobilizing sufficient numbers of people, and equipping them with resources to carry out the necessary transformation of everyday life.

The class conflict between rich and poor will be superseded by a civil war between those who embrace change and those who resist it.


Economy: design a better money

With the advent of smart contracts on the blockchain, a better money is now possible. Activists can create, with just a few lines of code, cryptocurrencies whose economic logic is superior to the status quo—fairer and better money.

To prove it, we created Sparkle, a redistributive currency.

Sparkle is money that fights income inequality by proportionally redistributing two percent of every transaction to each person in the economy.


Society: mass education in activism

The pedagogy of activism will take on an increasing urgency. The need for more sophisticated social movements will necessitate the development of popular education for activists that can be studied by a billion people globally.

The world will need a better way to teach, train and create massive numbers of strategically, tactically and theoretically sophisticated activists and social movements.

At the forefront of this educational revolution will be Activist Graduate School (AGS), the online school for activists, taught by activists.


Technology: activism on the blockchain

Beyond creating better monies, activists will turn to smart contracts to evolve new protest tactics and fluid social movements.

We have created PACT, the first activist smart contract design firm. The goal of PACT is to push the boundaries of blockchain activism by releasing politically powerful smart contracts.


Industry: Mars week of protest

Space activism will become a significant movement priority as the colonization of space begins in earnest.

By the end of the decade, China intends to have a base on the Moon and SpaceX hopes to be within grasp of landing humans on Mars. How these space colonies are governed will ultimately decide how Earth if governed.

If space is unfree, then Earth will be too.

To bring space activism into the mainstream of activism, we're calling for MARS WEEK — a 7 day protest around the world that occurs every 18 months when Mars and Earth are aligned for space launches.

The first MARS WEEK will begin July 17, 2020, at the beginning of the launch window for NASA's Mars 2020 Mission.


Geopolitics: movement toward a united front

The solutions to the world’s biggest problems can only be solved through a collaboration between elites and activists. Humanity needs a united front for social change that bring together unlikely allies. A united front will be difficult to forge and maintain. Without it, humanity is likely doomed to fail at our response climate change.

As a step toward a movement for a united front, Micah White has accepted an invitation to attend the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting in Davos in 2020.